Privacy Policy

Salto de Eje PC, SL has prepared this privacy policy in order to provide all interested parties with the most extensive information about the personal data processing it carries out.

If any person who accesses this information does not understand it, they can contact the address of the Data Protection Delegate where they can be clarified. issues relating to the processing of your personal data.

It is recommended that the user, before providing their personal data in the Web forms, carefully read the Basic Data Protection Information indicated in summary as well as this privacy policy.

Who is responsible for the treatment?

The person responsible for processing personal data is Salto de Eje PC, SL with address at Dr. Fourquet, 26, 2-1. 28012 Madrid,

For what purpose is your data processed?

The processing of personal data collected through the Website is intended to meet the requests of interested parties and respond.

What is the basis that legitimizes data processing?

The legal basis that allows us to process the data obtained through the Website is the consent given by the interested party by accepting our privacy policy at the time of registering personal data in the corresponding form or when sending us an email.

How long do we retain data?

The data will be kept as long as the purpose of the treatment and the interest on the part of the data owner are maintained, and consent may be revoked at any time, however it is possible that they can be kept blocked in order to meet the responsibilities derived from the treatment during the periods. prescription laws.

At any time the owner may revoke his or her consent to the processing or request the deletion of the data, in which case the data will be canceled.

To whom are personal data communicated?

Recipients of the data will be those companies or entities with which Salto de Eje PC, SL contracts a service that involves some data processing, always based on a regulatory contract that includes legal guarantees regarding data protection.

The data may also be communicated to third parties in cases of legal obligation.

What rights do interested parties have?

  • Right to withdraw consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent will not affect the legality of treatments based on consent prior to its withdrawal.
  • Right of access: right to obtain information about whether or not your data is being processed by our consultation and, if applicable, the purpose for which it is processed, the categories of data that are processed, the recipients of your data, the period of retention, the origin of the data and the possible existence of automated decisions, including profiling.
  • Right to rectification: right to obtain rectification of inaccurate or incomplete personal data.
  • Right to deletion: right to obtain the deletion of your data when any of these circumstances apply.
    • That the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
    • That the interested party withdraw consent.
    • That the interested party opposes the treatment.
    • That the interested party considers that the data has been processed unlawfully.
    • That must be deleted due to a legal obligation.
    • That the data have been obtained in relation to an information society service established in art. 8 section 1 of the General Data Protection Regulation.
  • Right to object: right to oppose certain processing, for reasons related to your particular situation, when this is based on the legitimate interest of the controller.
  • Right to portability: right to receive the data provided to our company in a structured format and to transmit it to another person responsible as long as both circumstances are met:
    • The treatment was based on consent or a contract
    • The treatment is carried out by automated means
  • Right of limitation: right to obtain limitation of treatment as long as any of the following conditions are met:
    • The interested party challenges the accuracy of their personal data.
    • The processing is unlawful and the interested party opposes the deletion of the data, requesting instead the limitation of its use.
    • The controller no longer needs the data for the purposes of the processing, but the interested party does need it to formulate, exercise or defend claims.
    • The interested party has opposed the processing and requests the limitation while it is verified whether the reasons of the controller prevail over those of the interested party.
  • Right to file a claim with the supervisory authority ( if you consider that the treatment does not comply with current regulations .

Contact information to exercise your rights

Dr. Fourquet, 26, 2-1. 28012 Madrid.

Privacy Policy Update

Salto de Eje PC, SL reserves the right to modify its privacy policy or conditions of use of its services for reasons of adaptation to current legislation, or other reasons. When this occurs, we will notify of any change and ask to re-read the policy. most recent version of our policy and, where appropriate, confirm your acceptance. The absolute confidentiality and privacy of the personal data collected is ensured and therefore security measures have been adopted in order to avoid alteration, loss, unauthorized treatment or access, and thus guarantee its integrity, availability and security. However, Salto de Eje PC, SL will not be responsible for incidents that may arise regarding personal data when they arise: either from an attack or unauthorized access to the systems in such a way that it is impossible to detect or prevent it even if adopted. the measures according to the state of current technology.

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