Dos rivales casi iguales

Director: Miguel Angel Calvo Buttini
Screenplay: Alvaro Lión-Depetre , M.A.Calvo Buttini 
Genre: Comedy
Production companies: Salto de Eje PC, Basque Films, Life&Pictures, Jaleo Films, Portugal

The peaceful life of a small town located in the middle of a valley is interrupted: the twins Jaime and Ignacio González-Zea will fight for the presidency of the nation from the two main parties in the country. The valley, the family, the town and the entire nation attend in amazement at a spectacle in which nothing is as it seems.

Miguel Ángel Calvo Buttini’s first feature film, a Spanish-Portuguese co-production that in 2006 was one of the projects that received the most national and international institutional support of all kinds. Opening Film Tiburon International Film Festival, premiered on May 25, 2007 in 50 theaters throughout Spain, entering the top ten the first week. Txema Blasco received the award for best supporting actor at the Basque Country awards.

National and international distributor, Vertice 360º

Dos rivales casi iguales

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